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Update from Coordinator for International Relations February 2019・国際交流員日記2月2019年

印刷ページ表示 更新日:2019年3月12日更新

Bounding Monkey Boulders ・ 猿跳岩 2019年2月28日

On a recent snowy morning, Shannen and I embarked on a long journey through winding mountain roads to the far northern reaches of Date City.
We were searching for the legendary Boulders of Bounding Monkeys.


Yanagawa’s Boulders of Bounding Monkeys ・ 梁川の猿飛岩

We parked our vehicle beside a small roadside shrine. Shannen had no qualms about praying for our protection, before moving deeper into monkey territory.


Shannen Prays for Safety ・ 安全を祈るシャネン

Walking closer to the river, we were surprised to find yet another shrine.


The Discovery of Yet Another Shrine ・ 再び、神社の発見

We later realized that they are both part of the same complex, the “Shrine of Nine Waterfalls”.


The Descent to the Land of Monkeys ・ 猿の領土への降下

Nearby is a monument featuring a relief image of three monkeys; apparently they were offered in the Edo Era in supplication for the safety of boatmen using the Abukuma River.


Triple Monkey Monument ・ 三猿の庚申塔

There were also numerous trees with large holes in their branches; perhaps these were the homes of the legendary bounding monkeys.


Perhaps, the Lair of the Legendary Leaping Monkeys ・ 恐らく、伝説上の飛ぶ猿の住処

The granite outcroppings here are over 100 million years old and tower to nearly 25 meters, making this one of Date City’s many scenic locations.


A Sheer Granite Cliff Rises out of the Abukuma River・ 阿武隈川から突き出る花崗岩の絶壁

Legend holds that monkeys would leap from boulder to boulder across the Abukuma River. Currently in this area, the river marks the border between Miyagi and Fukushima Prefectures; Date City must be a true earthly paradise if monkeys were willing to perform such death-defying feats to arrive here.



The Bounding Monkey Boulders, One of Date City’s Numerous Scenic Locations ・ 伊達市の景勝地の一つである猿飛岩

For more information, please visit Date Megane (in Japanese; link below).



(Posted by: Tony ・ 作成者:トニー)

Mochi Making with Tokyo-ites! ・ 東京の大学生ともちを作りました!2019年2月20日

Teacher Tour 皆さん

The other day we went to Tominari in Hobara to join the participants of “Fukushima Teachering Tour,” who were in the middle of making mochi! The program brings college students all the way from Tokyo to Date City. They spend time with Date City’s kindergarten and elementary school students and also get to experience what the countryside has to offer for themselves!


もち作り もち作り

もち作り もち作り

It was many of the students’ first time making mochi, but they put all of their effort into it. While they were circling around the mochi and pressing it in pairs, one student said it was like a merry-go-round. Another stepped in a wad of mochi and got it in her shoe!



Afterwards we had a full meal of mochi, with mochi soup, mochi and kinako, mochi and anko, along with other local products, such as pickled carrots and daikon. Everyone had a fun time trying the different dishes. Some of the students said they had never eaten pickled daikon before. But even more surprising to me, was that some of them had never had anpogaki! Dried persimmons seem so ubiquitous in Fukushima that I’d come to think they were just as common all over Japan!


Teacher Tour 皆さん

Tony and I had a great time eating and talking with the students and hope they’ll come back to visit us in Date City!


(Posted by: Shannen ・ 作成者:シャネン)

Let's dry some persimmons! ・ 柿を干しましょう! 2019年2月18日

柿のかご シャネンと柿

This December I was given a sack full of persimmons and all the tools I needed to try making anpogaki, or dried persimmons, for the first time!


柿 柿

Actually, I made hoshigaki. I used a special tool to peel around the stem of the fruit and then I went home and hung them up on my apartment balcony.


シャネン 柿

Anpogaki, like those made by Date City’s Anpo Kōbō Mirai Factory go through a process of sulfur fumigation. This is a technique developed in Date City’s village of Isazawa that allows the persimmons to keep their bright orange color. My persimmons started getting darker after about 30 days.



I was told to hang them outside for forty days, from December to January. By the last day, some even developed white sugar crystals!



If you can get your hands on some persimmons next year, this could be a fun and easy thing to do over the Winter months.


(Posted by: Shannen ・ 作成者:シャネン)

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