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March 2020 Update from the Coordinators for International Relations ・ 国際交流員日記3月2020年

印刷ページ表示 更新日:2020年3月31日更新

外国人対応救急活動訓練 ・ Emergency Communication with Foreigners Drill

On March 12th, 16th, and 17th, Shannen and I participated in Date Regional Firefighting Association’s emergency medical service study group.


Attentive Firefighters ・ 気の利く消防士

The same training session was held three times.


Each session consisted of two parts, the first being a class on different aspects of multi-lingual and intercultural communication in emergency situations.


Class in Session ・ 授業中

I taught about the anticipations of foreigners in emergency situations, as well as some techniques to aid in English-language emergency communication.


Merciless Teacher Tony ・ 容赦なく教えるトニー

I helped the firefighters realize the utility of gesturing.


Do you have a pacemaker? ・ 心臓ペースメーカー、ありますか?

Shannen taught about cultural differences relevant to emergency medical situations.


Teacher Shannen ・ シャネン先生

The second part of each session was a drill in which the firefighters practiced their emergency response skills in English.


English Only ・ 英語のみ

At times, the firefighters used an interpretation application on a smartphone.


We found that trying to convey everything with just that application is difficult!


Lost in Translation ・ 通訳中で迷子

The firefighters’ ability to carry large foreigners was truly impressive.


The Strong carry the Tony	 ・ 力持ち、トニー持ち

I did my best to act out heart attacks.


A Make-Believe Heart Attack ・ 心筋梗塞ごっこ

After the end of the first session, we were kindly given a tour of the fire station.


Learning from Professionals ・ 本職に教えてもらう

We were happy to help the brave firefighters of the Date region in their multilingual emergency response drills!


Happy to Serve ・ 役に立て、嬉しい

(Posted by: Tony ・ 作成者:トニー)

Tsukidate Academy Tour ・ 月舘学園見学

This April, Date City will open Tsukidate Academy, which will serve as a combined elementary and middle school in Tsukidate Town.


We were able to receive a tour of the campus.


An Academic Adventure Starts Here ・ 学的な冒険はここから

The campus has been created by combining the former Tsukidate Middle School with a portion of the Date City Hall Tsukidate Branch Office.


Information Map ・ 案内地図

The newly-renovated classrooms have an atmosphere that seems to be gushing with the ambition of children.


A Modern Classroom ・ 新伝な教室

To support the academic endeavors of the students, each classroom has a cabinet filled with tablet computers.


Tablet Server ・ タブレットサーバー

We were able to walk into the school library.


The Academic Library ・ 学園の図書室

I was surprised to find a bookshelf filled with comics.


A Month’s Worth of Manga ・ 漫画の一ヶ月分

We were also shown the room called the “School Community Center”.


Though it is currently being used as a construction office, from April we will also come here one day a week.


Future English Instruction Site Office ・ 将来の英語教育現場事務所

Then we set out to cross the newly-constructed skybridge.


A Bridge Too Far ・ 長い橋

We arrived at the Date City Hall Tsukidate Branch Office building, which forms one part of the school campus.


One part is the new domestic sciences room.


Now You’re Cooking with Gas ・瓦斯で料理します

However, we were most moved by the new music room.


Future Birthplace of Countless Composers ・ 無数の作曲家の将来出所

I believe it to be the most impressive on campus, and possibly one of the finest music classrooms in the whole country.


Only fitting for the new Tsukidate Academy -- where Tsukidate’s children will spend nine important years growing and studying!


(Posted by: Tony ・ 作成者:トニー)

Strawberry Picking at Michi no Eki Date City’s Village of Ryōzen・道の駅伊達の郷りょうぜんのいちご狩り

How many strawberries do you think you could eat in thirty minutes? You can test it out at Michi no Eki Date no Sato Ryōzen!

いちご園 いちご

いちご はち

Follow the road to the right of the Michi no Eki and you’ll find greenhouses full of strawberries. Once you receive your pass and a tray with condensed milk, you’ll have thirty minutes to eat as much as you can. There are six types of strawberries originating from all over Japan. Ryōzen might be one of the only places where you can try so many varieties at once!


洋酒に漬けたもものパン ローストアーモンドとオリジナルキャラメルソースのパン

I also had a chance to try desserts made using Ryōzen-grown strawberries. The new additions to the Michi no Eki’s bakery are the result of a collaboration with students from Fukushima College. While one has peaches soaked in liquor, the other has roasted almonds and an original caramel sauce. I was told that both sell out by noon every day!

The strawberry garden will be open every Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday from 10AM to 2PM through June 10th. Elementary school students and up pay 1,500 yen, pre-school children older than three pay 1,000 yen, and those younger than three enter free of cost. (From May 7th, elementary school students and up will pay 1,200 yen and pre-school children older than three will pay 800 yen.)

(Posted by: Shannen ・ 作成者:シャネン)

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