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July 2020 Update from the Coordinators for International Relations ・ 国際交流員日記7月2020年

印刷ページ表示 更新日:2020年7月31日更新

Public Lodging House “Tomappe” Tour ・簡易宿泊所「とまっぺ」見学

In July, Shannen and I received a tour of the Date City’s new public lodging house, which will open on the 1st of August.


It is named “Tomappe”, which is a way to say “let’s stay overnight” in the local dialect.


Let’s go to Tommape ・ とまっべにいっぺは

This facility has been built alongside the baseball field in Hobara Town’s Total Park.


Built Beside the Baseball Field ・ 野球場の隣に建てられている

It offers lodging to groups of five or more.


The bedrooms can be divided between rooms for students and those for their teachers.


A Room for Students ・ 生徒の部屋   A Bed for a Teacher ・ 先生の寝台

There is a communal exchange area.


A Place to Exchange ・ 交流の所

There is a kitchen, and a multipurpose hall is available for dining.


 A Kitchen for Many Cooks ・ 幾人でも使える調理室   Multi-Purpose Dining Hall ・ 多目的食堂

As the building was not yet open to guests, our party was able to visit both bathing areas.


Our Party in the Bathroom ・ 浴室にいる私達

The women’s bathing area is more or less identical to that for men.


A Pink Bathtub ・ 桃色の浴槽   A Pink Bathroom ・ 桃色の浴室

The washing machines and drying rooms will be helpful for long stays or rainy days.


1 - 2 - 3 Washing Machines ・ 洗濯機は1・2・3台   A Place to Hang Out (One’s Clothes) ・ 服を干す所

Apart from the lodging facilities, the same building houses a “clubhouse” rest area, available free of charge to park users.


A Place to Rest During Park Usage ・ 公園利用中休憩できる所   A Place for Things ・ 物が置ける所

The rest area will be especially useful for the many visitors who come to use the park golf course.


Currently under construction, it is set to open in the Fall of this year.


Park Golf is in Sight ・ パークゴルフが視野に入っている

I look forward to trying park golf when the course opens!


Ready for Park Golf ・ パークゴルフを待ち、準備万端

(Posted by: Tony ・ 作成者:トニー)

Tokugamori ・ 徳が森


Date City is full of places to take a walk and explore the natural greenery of Fukushima. This month, Tony and I visited Tokugamori, a forest park tucked away in Date City’s town of Ryōzen.


徳が森 Tony

Every year at around this time, the park is host to a hydrangea festival. This year, while we may not be able to gather for the festival, we can still go to enjoy the hydrangeas, yamayuri (“mountain lilies”), and much more!

不動明王 不動明王

A statue of Fudō Myōō (a prominent figure in Japanese Buddhism and folk religion sometimes known as “the Immovable One”) takes pride of place towards the base of the mountain, just past the parking lot. To the right of the statue is a path that circles all the way back. If you follow it, you’re sure to spot all sorts of unique mountain insects and plants among the hydrangea. There are even a handful of friendly gnomes waiting to be found.

sunshroom tiger lily

slug gnomes

This area also includes a mountain garden and a place to rest, free of charge!

Shannen 徳が森

Back towards the statue, on the left side is a longer hiking path. We followed it up and found even more hydrangea, as well as some colorful mushrooms and a giant slug!

徳が森 徳が森 登山道

(Posted by: Shannen ・ 作成者:シャネン)

Let’s all do our best to overcome the coronavirus!


We made a video with Date TV! This time, we appeared in a video in a series they’ve created with the purpose of broadcasting messages from people in Date City.

After introducing ourselves, we performed “The Candy-Shop Ghost,” a kamishibai that we created based on a ghost story that originated in Date City.
We recited the story using simple English.
自己紹介してから、伊達市で生まれたあめ買い幽霊の物語を題材にした紙芝居、「The Candy-Shop Ghost」を行いました。


Finally, we reminded everyone to take precautions to keep themselves, their families, and their friends safe from Covid-19.

You can watch the video on Date City’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UG9ckttSE4o<外部リンク>
伊達市のYouTube Channelでご覧ください:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UG9ckttSE4o<外部リンク>

(Posted by: Shannen ・ 作成者:シャネン)

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